Woodworking Industry

Sanding, Calibrating, Finishing, Slicing, Squaring, Edging

Sanding / Calibrating / Finishing This application enrols calibrating and dressing of heartwoods, hardboard panels, plywoods, veneers, and laminated plastics (synthetic resin bonded laminate), as well as for edge sanding, planning and brushing.

Slicing This application involves woodworking machines that work horizontally and slice the timbers to produce veneer sheets.

Squaring, edging, tenoning Wood panels-profiles shaping and timber edges covering.




Truly endless belts with high flexibility, exceptional running linearity, maximum flatness and thickness uniformity, used in the woodworking industry on wide and narrow belt sanding-calibrating machines, edge sanding machines, planning and brushing machines. Belts are available in a wide range of structures, rubber types/hardness and top side patterns to cover all the sizes and applications range.

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Truly endless belts with high tension member tensile strength (and short elongation), and excellent rubber cover grip, used in the woodworking industry on horizontal timber slicing machines for the production of veneers sheets. The belts are available in different structures according to the application, without sizes limits.

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Truly endless V- belts with high flexibility, absolute linear running, excellent grip and great resistance to deformation, used in the woodworking industry on squaring, edging and tenoning machines. The belts are available with all the standard V-sections as well as with special sections.

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Slowdown Belt

Slowdown belt is appositely designed for high-speed lumber planer and cutting lines with a very special pattern. Designed for conveyor belts in sawmill lines, specifically manufactured to slow down the wood coming from high speed planer and cutting lines.

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