- Mission
Customer satisfaction is the main goal that BeltTS Srl is pursuing, providing the experience and flexibility of a successful team.
A constant focus on Quality has facilitated with time the development of a flexible and dynamic organization, able to provide a personalized solution according to the needs of each customer. BeltTs provides a complete service, including constant and qualified assistance from planning to end-product control and delivery.
Research and technological investment characterize BeltTS Srl and its ability to anticipate and undestand needs and products requested by an increasingly focused and demanding market.
- Company Politics
In order to ensure that all BeltTS products, services and activities comply with Customer requirements in respect of the environment and safety, the Company management has introduced Quality, Environmental and Safety management systems in accordance with ISO9001/14001 and INAIL-Confindustria guidelines.
In particular BeltTS intends to endorse a fundamental requirement of ISO 9001, satisfaction of the interested parties. These parties are: Customers, Owners or Partners, Employees, Society or Community and Suppliers.
As a result the Company management will and commitments are:
- Maintain active Quality, Environmental and Safety management systems, providing the necessary human resources and equipment. These systems must facilitate the achievement of the company’s goals and are an integral part of the company itself.
- Define and promote, across the company, goals and programmes for carrying out continuous improvement. For these purpose,all corporate functions will be requested to monitor the indicators depending on them.
- Work in full respect of the current legislation, keeping up-to-date.
- Constantly train, inform, involve and motivate all employees concerning methods required by the systems and professional activities focusing in particular on corporate risks, prevention and protection measures that must be adopted depending on the task and on the impact on the environment. Also try to involve key contractors and service suppliers within BeltTS.
- Develop projects for new machines and plants that satisfy Customers needs and also reduce the impact on the environment preserving the safety and health of workers, third parties and the community in which BeltTS works. Constantly research new technologies within the limits of competition.
- Guarantee workers’ consultation, preferably through their Safety Representative, with regard to important choices and decisions about safety and health at work.
- Implement preventive measures, including internal studies on potential risks for worker safety and health, in order to reduce accidents, injuries and other non-conformity conditions.
- Pay maximum attention to customer requests for assistance, ensuring they are a priority within company activities.
- Maintain the acquired environmental standard and, considering the available human and financial resources, improve it constantly with regard to pollution. With this purpose the company intends to pay particular attention to aspects related to emissions in the atmosphere and the need to reduce waste production.
- Export the company environmental policy trying to enhance supplier awareness with regard to this important factor and choose, where possible, those suppliers that adopt production processes reducing environmental impact.
- Focus on transparent communication with the public in order to communicate company politics to interested parties and receive external ideas and suggestions that can contribute to a critical analysis of the company’s goals. With this purpose the company intends to promote cooperation among the various corporate resources, with entrepreneurial organizations and trade union representatives, as well as external institutions.
BeltTS must be able to quickly and constantly adapt to market demands, be flexible and grow with the Customer; it must in fact create a relationship with the Customer based on trust and see him as a partner, proud of using the BeltTS product.
The entire company, including every single worker with his/her own assignments and skills, is responsible for Quality, Environmental and Safety systems management. BeltTS staff must share and cooperate in order to achieve these goals.
Company success must be considered a personal success.
- Environmental respect
BeltTs is working constantly to develop and maintain a system for the management of production processes that includes Service Quality and Environmental respect in compliance with current local and European regulations. Security of employees and of the community, within which BeltTs works, and an adequate environmental policy for emissions abatement are the base for every activity of the company.
We manufacture truly endless belts and filtration belts in full accordance with current rules on work, safety and enviromental protection with full transparency and coherence in managing and providing information to the interested third parties ( including Customers, Suppliers,Trade Unions,Banks, Local Communities, State, Local and National authorities…).
The Board of Directors, representing the majority of BeltTS partners, and its Workforce are confident that our commitments to Service and Product Quality will ensure our Company’s continued growth and profitability over time.